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Construction Projects

General Information

Thank you for considering Penta Career Center for your construction related project.  We get a large numer of inquiries for projects of this nature and unfortunately, we cannot complete them all.  Several factors are considered when selecting a project with the most important being scope/size of the project, distance from Penta, relevance to students/curriculum, and our project calendar.  We must select projects that will allow instructors to keep 10-25 students engaged and working.  Projects must be within 15 minutes of the Penta Campus to be considered, and they have to be within one of our 16 member school districts.  Please click on the More Information header below to see if your project meets the additional requirements.

More Information about Project Requests

The main things for you to consider as a homeowner are typically the time factor and quality of work. Since our students are learning and we may choose to engage specific classes of Juniors/Seniors, the workday may be limited to only a few hours per day. This could obviously slow the progress of the project. While we work to engage students that have acquired the relevant skills for the project we also must keep in mind that our students are still learning their craft. Our instructors will work to make sure that clients are happy with the project, that it meets all relevant building codes, and is structurally sound, but upon completion and under close scrutiny/inspection the quality of workmanship will not be that of a seasoned and established craftsman. FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE, THIS IS A LEARNING ACTIVITY. Given the type of project you have in mind this needs to be given some consideration.

In the past, Penta Career Center had more construction labs and completed more projects in a given calendar year. With mandates from the Ohio Department of Education and a complex course of study to cover, this has changed the types of projects that we take on. We do not do additions, roofing projects, foundation repair, trenching, plumbing, or major renovations. These projects have the potential to uncover unseen structural problems and create unique situations that are tough to navigate with students and limited time. While collaborating with us may save some money, we do not want to be involved in projects that could end up costing more than you had planned or disrupting your life because we are working on your primary residence.

We typically do not take on projects in occupied homes. These projects tend to lack adequate workspace, are difficult to engage large numbers of students in, and present unnecessary risks with students being around homeowners belongings. Project delays can also prolong the disruption to your routine. Licensed contractors are much better suited for these types of projects.

The design process is vitally important to any building project, and this takes a large investment of time. To ensure that you have the best outcome, and to speed up the project we require working drawings/prints. Our instructors are engaged all day with students in the classroom, lab, and on the job sites. They just do not have the time to help design your project from scratch. While an 8' x 10' slab for a shed is straight forward, the shed itself could be designed any number of ways and have countless features. Plans and prints for most projects can be found or purchased online, and for larger projects a draftsman or architect should be consulted. Please attach these prints with any relevant pictures of the building site.

**Our project calendar for the 2023-2024 school year is currently full.  Online applications will be reviewed as needed and in the Spring of 2024.  If your project is selected for the 2024-2025 school year, you will be contacted by June of 2024 to make arrangements and discuss the process.

Form Submission

If you have read everything above and understand what projects we accept, please fill out our form below to have your project submitted for consideration.
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