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Career Pathways Readiness Program
Creating Pathways for Education, Career, and Life Success!
The Penta Career Center Aspire Program provides free adult education classes to eligible individuals! Aspire, a grant-funded initiative, supports adults seeking to enhance their skills for high school equivalency tests, college, or career advancement. Our program caters to diverse educational objectives: from GED® preparation to skill enhancement for apprenticeships, certificates, and various vocational training programs. We’re dedicated to assisting adults in improving their academic skills, paving the way for a brighter future.

Join us on the journey to personal and professional growth! 

Students begin the Aspire Program by registering for the program and attending orientation. During registration and orientation, students’ complete paperwork, examine their learning styles, set career and education goals, and take initial assessments to determine academic strengths and weaknesses before getting started in class. We help each student create an individualized learning plan that best fits their goals.

Aspire classes provide instruction that focuses on reading, math, writing, language, science, and social studies. During class, students also develop technology, workforce, and career readiness skills. Our instructors help student improve their skills to prepare for the next step in achieving their goals. Students who earn their high school equivalence credential by passing the GED® test exam are invited to our annual Aspire Graduation Ceremony!

Penta Career Center's Aspire program offers both on-site and online options. The virtual option will be held in Google Classroom. Be sure to have Google hangouts/meet downloaded to your tablet, phone, or computer. For more information, contact our office at 419.491.8433

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Penta’s Adult Basic Education and Career Readiness program is a student-centered learning opportunity for adults. The classes are available at no cost to adults who want to improve on basic math and English skills in order to obtain a high school equivalency, enter post secondary education, or prepare for additional workforce training.  

Penta will prepare you to take the Official GED Test. We provide free practice test vouchers for enrolled students.  
Penta Career Center offers classes at locations such as: East Toledo Senior Center, Kent Library, ProMedica Ebeid Center, Maumee Branch Library, Mott Library, Ohio Means Jobs, Oregon Library, Penta Osage Complex, Perrysburg Heights Community Center, Reynolds Corners Library, Riverside Elementary, Toledo Heights Library, Toledo Lucas County Public Library, Washington Branch Library, West Toledo Library, and Wood County District Public Library.

Classes are held two days a week for three hours each day.

Registration is required and orientation is mandatory.

Call 419-491-8433 to register

GED Testing Requirements 

An account must be setup on in order to register for the GED test.

The test is given in 4 sections which include the following components:
Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies

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